From Saint-Romain-de-Jalionas to Parmilieu in Nord-Isère, we can drink tap water again

The inhabitants of Saint-Romain-de-Jalionas, Parmilieu and Optevoz were able to drink a glass of tap water again during their lunch this Tuesday, September 6. Prohibited for consumption since Friday evening following the detection of a bacterium, running water can once again be used for all usual purposes.

There may be a smell of chlorine

In all, eight municipalities were affected by this pollution. On social networks, residents assure that relatives have found themselves sick. Among the symptoms: fever, vomiting or diarrhea.

In its press release posted on its Facebook page, the Balcons du Dauphiné community of municipalities points out that a smell of chlorine can be “very present” but that water “not suitable for consumption”. The network has in fact been treated with chlorine to evacuate the bacterium that would have appeared following drought and bad weather.

The Regional Health Agency conducted several samples Saturday, September 3 and the results therefore appeared to be in conformity on Tuesday. A enhanced vigilance is still maintained throughout the network.

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