from Nice to Antibes, will the 980 polling stations be ready for the first round?

It’s getting ready. Electoral material, ballot papers, envelopes, ballot boxes arrived at the 980 polling stations in the Alpes-Maritimes this Wednesday, indicates the prefecture of the department. The municipalities had no trouble finding their assessors and tellers for this Sunday of the presidential election, where the offices will be open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., and even until 8 p.m. in 34 cities.

Faced with the resumption of the Covid epidemic, the government and the Constitutional Council did not wish to strengthen health measures. Wearing a mask remains a simple recommendation. The prefecture has sent masks and self-tests for polling station teams. On a case-by-case basis, municipalities have taken certain additional protective measures.

AT Nice252 offices will be open until 8 p.m. Wearing the mask of the teams holding the office is recommended, FFP2 masks will be provided to members of the office who wish. Each voter will also be offered a surgical mask at the entrance. Regular ventilation of the polling stations will be ensured. Priority voting for vulnerable people is also planned

AT walking sticks, 56 polling stations will also be open until 8 p.m., with 260 administrative agents assigned to make them work, we explain at the town hall. Against the Covid, specific signage has been put in place, at the entrance to each polling station, hydroalcoholic gel and masks will be made available.

AT Antibes67 polling stations will welcome voters until 8 p.m. The town hall plans “the provision of surgical masks for voters, and for members of polling stations FFP2 masks”explains Sébastien Dzykoweski director population citizenship in Antibes, who promises a ventilation of the offices every 10 minutes.

In other municipalities, no worries either about the organization of the ballot. “When we lived the regionals, _we’re in!_“, laughs the mayor of Tourettes-sur-Loup, Frédéric Poma, remembering the double regional and departmental ballot, with a lack of assessors. At La Gaude, we do not foresee a lack of assessors either. The town hall has planned to further strengthen health measures, “we will still be on vigilance”, says Blandine Somana, director of municipal services.

In Breil-sur-Roya, everything is ready there again, “only the posters of certain candidates were slow to be affixed in front of the offices!”, indicates the mayor, Sébastien Olharan. It’s done this Wednesday. The sticking of these posters on the metal panels provided by the municipalities is the responsibility of the candidates.

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