from January 1, France will no longer welcome “seconded” imams


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Religion: on January 1, France will no longer welcome “seconded” imams

Religion: on January 1, France will no longer welcome “seconded” imams – (franceinfo)

Article written by

franceinfo – L. Roudaut, K. Helies

France Televisions

From January 1, 2024, France will no longer accept imams sent from abroad to preach in mosques. The State wishes to encourage training in France.

This was one of Emmanuel Macron’s big promises against separatism, which he announced in 2020 during a speech in Mureaux (Yvelines). In a letter sent to the countries concerned, Gérald Darmanin announces that France will no longer accept seconded imams from January 1. Those already present in the territory will have to change their status after April 1.

Accused of relaying radical Islam

Sent by Morocco, Turkey or Algeria, these imams, employed by these States, are accused for some of being the relay of radical Islam. A welcome decision, but considered insufficient for Tareq Oubrou, the grand imam of Bordeaux (Gironde). “We must take care of the imams who are already in place, their training, prepare a whole adapted educational program, so that they are in line with the issues and challenges of our society”, he comments. According to estimates, some 300 seconded imams are present in the territory.

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