From Iran to Broc: discover its history on Saturday

Three comedians bring the story to lifeAron Malek. He wrote the text and directed The blue sky of Réza. His history. That he tells with meticulousness, humanity and even humor.

“The sky is everywhere the same”

Rezathe fictional counterpart of Aron, a young Iranian had no idea what awaited him. “The sky is everywhere the same”, her father told her just before they separated. Reza leaves the country in search of another corner of blue sky, around the world. First theAustria and then an arrival at Pitchera small village in the French Riviera.

A journey from Iran to the Alpes-Maritimes

Created at Le Broc, the meeting saturday is free to find the room. But on reservation


A young Iranian leaves his country and ends up settling in Broc where he stages his story

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