From February 14 to 20, more wonderful gifts to offer you on France Bleu Bourgogne!

From Monday February 14 to Sunday February 20, try your luck and win:

Your Family Pass to discover the show: “Le grand cirque sur glace” in Dijon on February 24

The Great Circus on Ice

Invitations for the Irish Celtic show at the Zenith in Dijon on February 24

Irish Celtic Show
Irish Celtic Show © Maxppp

On the occasion of Valentine’s Day, we offer you your bouquet of flowers..

Invitations for Guillermo Guiz’s show at the Feuillants Theater on February 19

Guillermo Guiz show
Guillermo Guiz show © Maxppp

But also weather stations, aprons, down jackets, wine thermometers and essential oil diffusers

Weather station France Blue Burgundy
Weather station France Blue Burgundy © Radio France

To leave with these beautiful gifts, listen to France Bleu Bourgogne and play on 03 80 42 15 15

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