from comics to Beauval zoo, Kylian Mbappé is on all fronts



France 2

Article written by

G. Naboulet, A.Miguet, H. Pozzo, P.Touileb, E.Urtado – France 2

France Televisions

Kylian Mbappé keeps increasing its popularity. This week, the launch of his comic, his trips and inaugurations generated many clicks on social networks.

The children of the football club Bondy, in Seine-Saint-Denis, have stars in their eyes when they meet Kylian Mbappé. The young prodigy started here, and is a role model for young people. I must set an example for these children”, Confides the soccer player. TO Bondy, Kylian Mbappé was the age of those children when he began to burst the screen.

It is this extraordinary fate that he wanted to tell in a comic strip, published with its own structure, KM editions. It is held at 300,000 copies, or as many as the last Goncourt prize. The star of Paris dreams big. It is the story of a kid who dreamed and who pursued his dream step by step to reach the top of world football”, Indicates Kylian Mbappé. Pto reach the top, the footballer looks after its image. This week, after the promotion of his book, the number 10 of the France team is become godfather of a baby panda, on loan from China to the Beauval.

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