From Benin, Emmanuel Macron accuses Russia of being “one of the last colonial imperial powers”

On an African tour at the same time as the head of Russian diplomacy, the French president also accused Vladimir Putin of waging a “continental imperialist war against Ukraine”.

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French President Emmanuel Macron publicly attacked Russia on Wednesday July 27 from Benin. “Russia has launched an offensive against Ukraine, it’s a territorial war that we thought had disappeared from European soil, it’s a war of the beginning of the 20th, even the 19th century. I’m talking about a continent (the Africa) which suffered from colonial imperialism”he denounced during a press conference with his Beninese counterpart, Patrice Talon, in Cotonou.

For the Head of State, “Russia is one of the last colonial imperial powers” deciding “to invade a neighboring country to defend its interests”, he said. For the French president, on an African tour at the same time as the head of Russian diplomacy Sergei Lavrov, “Russia has started a new kind of hybrid world war”.

Russia “decided that information, energy and food were military instruments in the service of a continental imperialist war against Ukraine”he thundered.

According to him, it is the Russians who create “imbalances despite all the diplomatic tours and disinformation they make around the world” and Russia is “one of the countries which, with the most force, uses instruments of propaganda”in particular via the television channels Russia Today and Sputnik.

The Head of State again denounced the “blackmail” of Moscow on food, “because they are the ones who blocked grain in Ukraine” but also on energy with the Europeans. “I think it is wise for the Europeans not to expose themselves to these strategies, because it is one of the elements of this hybrid war”he added.

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