from 8 to 89 deputies, visualize the historical progression of the National Rally in maps


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Marine Le Pen’s party will be able to form a large parliamentary group in the National Assembly. A first since 1986.

The extreme right is considerably reinforced in the hemicycle of the National Assembly. No less than 89 deputies from the National Rally were elected in the second round of the legislative elections on Sunday June 19. A historic breakthrough for Marine le Pen’s party, which multiplies its 2017 score by eleven and could constitute the most powerful parliamentary group in the history of its movement.

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The glass ceiling seems to be broken for the RN which succeeded in electing deputies in many strongholds: the north-eastern quarter of France, the Mediterranean arc or even part of Aquitaine.

Some French departments are particularly the source of deputies for the National Rally. Four of them even elected 100% far-right deputies. These are Haute-Marne, Haute-Saône, Aude and Pyrénées-Orientales. The National Rally also confirms its progress in Vaucluse, winning four of the five constituencies in this department which had only one far-right deputy. In the Var, the RN wins 7 of the 8 constituencies, including the 4th constituency, where Eric Zemmour had been eliminated.

“It’s a meteoric step forward”notes political scientist Jean-Yves Camus, with an implantation of the RN “not only in traditionally good regions” for him, like the Hauts-de-France and the south, but also in “a bow” which goes from Oise, Somme and Aisne to Aube or even Haute-Saône, which are either “very large peri-urban areas of Paris” Where “landlocked, deindustrialized, forgotten departments”. Acting RN boss Jordan Bardella hailed a “tsunami” for his movement.

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