Freshly arrived at the bookstore

Among all the books that have recently arrived in bookstores, here are a few that caught our attention.

God is not here todayFrancine Cunningham

This collection of short stories by a Cree author from Alberta takes us to surprising and improbable places, from God’s office to a sex shop, from the decrepit apartment of a very old couple to the trailer of a young Aboriginal woman who has inherited a special gift. Darkly funny stories that have been well received by the English-language press.

God is not here today

God is not here today


336 pages

Celine in CongoAristotle Kavungu

While Louis-Ferdinand Céline’s anti-Semitism is well documented, his racism is less so, and the author, who teaches literature in the Toronto area, has reread his writings with this in mind. He also looks back on his years in France, where he studied before emigrating to Canada, to denounce the discourses that propagate hatred and fear toward foreigners.

Celine in Congo

Celine in Congo


134 pages

The trophyHenri Hunt

The actor Henri Chassé launches here into a ” road trip to nowhere” where two strangers, an actor and a man he meets in the street, decide to change direction. He takes the opportunity to question the paths we take and the decisions that make us change our lives, for better or for worse.

The trophy

The trophy

Hands free

198 pages

The profilerYves D. Poirier

This detective novel is the sequel to Screenwriterselected at the First Novel Meetings. We reconnects with the character of Hubert Quentin, whose peace is disturbed by a young investigator convinced that the former screenwriter with a troubled past can help him draw up the profile of a serial killer who is actively being sought – and who is about to strike again.

The profiler

The profiler


222 pages

The fire and the twigMelanie L’Hérault

This third novel by a Quebec teacher who also writes for young people takes the point of view of the spouse, the one who sees her husband accused of sexual assault and who must choose. Who to believe? Her lover, the father of her daughter, or the young woman who accuses him? A heartbreaking drama that draws us into the vertigo of the indirect victims of this type of crime.

The fire and the twig

The fire and the twig

Saint John

343 pages

The woman from MontrealPauline Vincent

In Montreal in 1934, a young woman who aspires to become a journalist decides to cross-dress in order to get the job she covets at a daily newspaper. Shortly after being hired, she is invited to a gathering of xenophobic and misogynistic fanatics. She then decides to infiltrate the organization, putting her life in danger.

The woman from Montreal

The woman from Montreal


324 pages

Our possiblePierre Tessier

It is a cardiologist who signs this choral novel around a family that is perfect in appearance, but which will have to face infidelity and illness. For a year, the author takes us one by one into the heads of his characters — those moments, he writes, when a triggering event, added to unfavorable circumstances, accumulated fatigue and stifling expectations, comes to unleash the perfect storm, leaving the protagonists no choice but to flee, collapse or fight.

Our possible

Our possible

Free Expression

240 pages

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