Freshly arrived at the bookseller

Among all the books that have recently arrived in bookstores, here are a few that caught our attention.

The unknown woman in the portraitCamille de Peretti

This novel is an ambitious journey through time and the world, from the streets of Vienna at the beginning of the 20th century.e century, to Texas in the 1980s via Manhattan of the Great Depression and contemporary Italy. All this in the footsteps of a painting by the painter Gustav Klimt representing a woman that no one has ever managed to identify. The French writer Camille de Peretti thus imagined the destiny of this young woman and her descendants in a skillfully woven plot.

The unknown woman in the portrait

The unknown woman in the portrait


350 pages

How I found Xavier Dupont de LigonnèsRomain Puértolas

The singular author of The extraordinary journey of the fakir who got stuck in an IKEA wardrobe this time gives us an investigation – in the clever form of an autofiction – into one of France’s most wanted fugitives, the main suspect in a quintuple murder that occurred in 2011. And it’s with a touch of humor irresistible that he puts himself on stage to play detective.

How I found Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès

How I found Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès

Albin Michel

280 pages

Polytechnic ProjectMarie-Joanne Boucher and Jean-Marc Dalphond

Actors Jean-Marc Dalphond and Marie-Joanne Boucher have already produced a laboratory and a podcast show around feminicide at Polytechnique and its repercussions. This book is the text of their homonymous play, which was presented at the Théâtre du Nouveau Monde before the holidays and which continues its tour in Quebec until April.

Polytechnic Project

Polytechnic Project

Workshop 10

204 pages

The spiderLars Kepler

The couple of Swedish writers Alexander and Alexandra Ahndoril, behind the pseudonym Lars Kepler, sign here a new investigation with inspectors Joona Linna and Saga Bauer. A dark novel in line with the previous ones, as the characters set out on the hunt for a serial killer.

The spider

The spider

South Acts

532 pages

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