Fresh food at any time in self-service Farmers lockers!

Nadia Bergeat, author of the Follow the Baroness blog, was won over by the concept. More than 200 products from Gironde farms and neighboring departments within 150 km: fruit and vegetables, dairy products, meat in refrigerated lockers, seven days a week, 24 hours a day! The purpose of this device: to bring supply and demand closer together by selling in a short circuit and to allow consumers to access quality products at any time of day or night without any time constraints. You choose and you pay on the spot, this good plan is located in Eysines at 44 rue du 19 Mars 1962 at the SICA Maraîchère.

Nadia Bergeat: A very good approach to support the local economy and above all eating well.

Both Mediterranean and Charentaise, Nadia began her career at the age of 20 as a theater costume designer in Bordeaux. A job she still exercises with as much passion. From shows to shows and from town to town, she discovers the regions; the countries ; specialties and both culinary and geographic riches. These terroirs where the know-how and the local identity of the products are forged, Nadia seeks to share them with everyone and shares them on her blog Follow La Baronne Instagram and Twitter! And the South-West of France, a nourishing and generous land, remains his favorite land. Curious, enthusiastic, she lacks neither the audacity nor the appetite to bring the product closer to the consumer, to support the initiatives of producers concerned with relaunching quality products. Columnist she wants to transmit this pleasure and delight the listeners.

Nadia Bergeat author of the blog Follow the Baroness

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