fresh cheese and seasonal vegetables on the menu!

To make the recipe, it is essential to have in your kitchen: kitchen knives, a cutting board, a vegetable peeler, a small saucepan, a saucepan, a sauté pan, a hen bowl, a whisk and finally some film food.

The ingredients for 2 people:

Vegetable stuffing:

  • 75 g of Brussels sprouts
  • 75 g of pumpkin
  • 50 g Paris mushrooms
  • 1 clementine
  • 8 g chives
  • 150 g of cream cheese

Clementine dressing:

  • 100 ml clementine juice
  • 8 g roasted and peeled hazelnuts
  • Olive oil
  • Espelette


Clementine dressing
Put the clementine juice to reduce over medium heat.

Vegetable stuffing
Peel the pumpkin and remove the stems from the mushrooms. Make a brunoise of pumpkin and mushroom. Cut out the lower part of the cabbage then reserve 4 leaves per cabbage. Blanch the leaves for 15 sec in a saucepan of salted boiling water then immerse them in ice water. Reserve them on absorbent paper. Finely slice the rest of the Brussels sprouts.

In a sauté pan add 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Brown the pumpkin, chopped cabbage and mushrooms in order. Season with the Espelette pepper, pepper and salt. Once cooked, place the preparation on a plate and set aside in the fridge.

In a bowl, mix the fromage frais with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, the chopped chives and pepper. Reserve 50 g in a nylon bag in a cool place. In the rest of the preparation add the diced vegetables and the crushed hazelnuts, mix.

Using cling film, shape 2 balls of stuffing and set aside in the fridge.

Peel the clementines raw and lift the supremes

Clementine dressing

Place the reduction in a bowl, mix with salt, pepper, Espelette pepper and 2 tablespoons of olive oil

And finally, the dressage
Place the stuffing ball in the center of the plate. Make small dots around the ball with the nylon pocket. Place the cabbage leaves so that they form a flower. Garnish with clementine segments and sprinkle with the vinaigrette.

Also to do: This sweet and exotic recipe by ‘Top Chef’ star Philippe Etchebest to impress your guests!


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