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Friday, June 3, the Quai d’Orsay announced that a Frenchman had been killed in fighting in Ukraine. The 32-year-old man “was killed in combat during artillery fire in the Karkhiv region”, explains Maryse Burgot, correspondent in Ukraine for France Télévisions.
A French was killed in fighting in Ukraine, Friday, June 3. “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not communicate the identity of this man, but the Quai d’Orsay offers its condolences to his family. So, according to our sources with the authorities of Karkhiv, the second largest city in the country, this man was aged 32 years old. He was killed in battle during artillery fire in this region of Karkhiv”explains journalist Maryse Burgot, correspondent for France Télévisions, live from Kramatorsk (Ukraine).
The Frenchman had joined the Ukrainian International Defense Legion. “You know, it is this army of volunteers from all over the world that was desired by President Zelensky at the beginning of this war”, recalls the journalist. Impossible, for the time being, to know how many French people have joined this legion of volunteers.