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New twist in the Epstein case: the former modeling agent Jean-Luc Brunel, indicted for “rape of minors”, was found dead in his cell in the prison of Health, Saturday February 19.
Jean-Luc Brunel was the last defendant to be held accountable in the Epstein case. He was found dead, hanged, in his cell at the prison of Health (Paris), on the morning of Saturday February 19. This model recruiter since the 80s was in pre-trial detention. He was the subject of indictments for “rape of minors”, and “sexual harassment”. He was also a witness assisted in the context of charges for “trafficking in human beings for sexual purposes”.
“For [les victimes présumées] there will be no justice, Mr. Brunel has chosen to flee his responsibility, to possibly flee a form of guilt”, comments Anne-Claire Le Jeune, lawyer for the civil parties. Jean-Luc Brunel was close to Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire charged in the United States for sexually abusing and exploiting dozens of young women. The modeling agent is suspected of having sold young girls on behalf of Epstein, who also killed himself in prison before his trial.