French scientists imprisoned in Germany for actions of civil disobedience

In prison for the climate. Sixteen scientists, including five French, were arrested and remanded in custody on Saturday, October 29, for sticking their hand to a BMW sports car exhibited in a showroom in Munich (Germany). In a statement (in German)the police announced the opening of an investigation for trespassing and mentioned “several tens of thousands of euros in damage”. Among the arrested scientists, treize are always detained until November 4. A way to prevent them from continuing their actions, scheduled until that date.

>> “Speaking nicely has shown its limits” : in the face of the climate crisis, scientists tell why they are entering into rebellion

Their gesture is part of a civil disobedience campaign launched by the Scientist Rebellion collective against inaction in the face of global warming. Tired of chronicling report after report of an announced ecological catastrophe, linked to human activity, they decided to embark on actions of civil disobedience.

“This company does a lot of greenwashing. (…) We wanted to restore an image of the automotive industry that is more faithful to reality”justifies Jérôme Guilet, a 38-year-old astrophysicist, released on Wednesday November 2.

“If we want a livable world, we will have to choose between this polluting industry and the climate.”

Jérôme Guilet, astrophysicist

at franceinfo

Since the beginning of the month, these scientists have, among other things, demonstrated in front of the Ministry of Finance in Berlin, briefly entered the lobby of the asset management company Blackrock in Munich and spent nearly 48 hours glued to vehicles in the Porsche brand showroom in Wolfsburg, birthplace of the Volkswagen Group.

Like his comrades, Marceau Minot, released Tuesday November 1 because he undertook to return to France and not to participate in other actions this week, had prepared for this eventuality.

“We are more afraid of global warming than of prison. It is less worse than what awaits us in the years to come.”

Marceau Minot, ecologist

at franceinfo

This 30-year-old also justifies his action by the ineffectiveness of other modes of action. “In 2018, there were great peaceful demonstrations, a real awareness. Four years later, in 2022, the curves have not moved”he notes.

At his side, Jérôme Guilet abounds: “Rational discourse is no longer enough. We are on a catastrophic trajectory despite 40 years of climate discourse.” The astrophysicist denounces the weight of financial and political interests: “We can’t keep talking nicely. Opposite, there are people who don’t hesitate to use all their power to prevent change.”

source site-29