(Paris) The candidate RN Marine Le Pen and the polemicist Éric Zemmour would be neck and neck to qualify for the second round of the presidential election next April and challenge the outgoing Emmanuel Macron, indicates an Ipsos poll published on Friday.
Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour both collect around 16% of voting intentions, behind Emmanuel Macron who would qualify for the second round in all cases (24-28%), according to this poll conducted for The world, the Jean Jaurès Foundation and Sciences Po.
If Xavier Bertrand were to be nominated as a candidate for the Les Républicains party at the beginning of December, the RN candidate would do slightly less well, at 15%, while the far-right polemicist, who has still not officially declared himself a candidate, would win a half. point, at 16.5%, in the event that the LR activists would launch Michel Barnier in the race for the Elysee.
If Éric Zemmour were ultimately not to run for president, Marine Le Pen would have a guaranteed ticket for the second round with 24 to 25% of the voting intentions.

Marine Le Pen
In the first round, Xavier Bertrand (13%) would be the best placed of the candidates for the nomination of the right, ahead of Valérie Pécresse (10%) and Michel Barnier (9%).
None of the left-wing candidates would reach the 10% mark, with the exception of the ecologist Yannick Jadot who would succeed if Éric Zemmour was ultimately not a candidate. Next come Jean-Luc Mélenchon (8%), Anne Hidalgo (5%), Fabien Roussel (2%) and Arnaud Montebourg (2%).
Among LR supporters, who must nominate their candidate for the Élysée on December 4, they are a little more than half (54%) to believe that Xavier Bertrand would be the candidate best placed to win the right to the presidential election , far ahead of Valérie Pécresse (17%) and Michel Barnier (13%).
Voting intentions do not constitute a forecast of the outcome of the ballot. They give an indication of the balance of power and dynamics on the day of the survey.
Moreover, according to this survey, purchasing power is the main concern for 41% of French people questioned, up 11 points compared to April, ahead of the environment (30%) and immigration (29%) .
Half of the French (51%) want to “achieve real social and political change” during the 2021 presidential election, against 29% who hope to “appease France”.
The poll was carried out from October 7 to 13, using the quota method, with a sample of 16,228 people registered on the electoral rolls and interviewed by internet.