French people forced to save on hygiene products



Article written by

S. Feydel, L. Campisi, M. Perrier, M. Barrois, MA. Belderrain, S. Guibout, F. Bohn, C. Pary, C. de Chassey – France 3

France Televisions

The French buy fewer hygiene and cleaning products. According to a recent study, sales of shampoo, shower gel and toothpaste have fallen.

When a retired couple, met by France 3, do their shopping, it’s to the nearest euro, especially for cleaning products for the house. We take the cheapest, I can’t do otherwise. Like this, I arrive at the end of the month, I can eat“, says the woman. Like her and her husband, 4 out of 10 French people have already tried to reduce their consumption of hygiene and cleaning products, according to a recent study. It is even nearly 5 out of 10 French people among those under 35 and among the most modest.

Among the products that the French renounce, include moisturizers, shampoo, toothpaste and shaving products. Because of inflation, consumers today have to make difficult choices. They will favor food and they will tell themselves that non-food in general, but also hygiene, beauty and maintenance, is less of a priority.“, explains Yves Puget, editorial director of the magazine LSA. Another disturbing number: 17% of women give up buying sanitary protection. Some are now supplied by new brands, which offer hygiene products at bargain prices, such as Normal. To attract these new customers, the chain is supplied throughout the European Union.

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