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The French were asked to comment on the environment and climate change in an Ipsos – Sopra Steria study for France Télévisions. Hugo Capelli details the results, Thursday, March 3.
The environment remains one of the major concerns of the French. Eight out of ten questioned, within the framework of an Ipsos – Sopra Steria study for France Télévisions, say they are worried about the protection of the environment and climate change. The most worried are the under 35s. “There is a paradox. Half of those questioned believe that in this difficult economic and social context, with rising prices, the environmental issue should not be the priority. The French want more ecology, but without making any financial sacrifice”details Hugo Capelli.
Regarding the automobile, 71% are against the ban on the sale of new thermal vehicles, in particular because they consider electric cars too expensive and criticize their autonomy. Regarding renewable energies, hydro-electricity, solar and biomass stand out. Wind power is absent, a majority of French people believing that wind turbines damage the landscape. As for the candidates for the 2022 presidential election, none are really convincing, but Yannick Jadot and Emmanuel Macron top the rankings.