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From Friday March 4 to Sunday March 13, the Beijing Paralympic Games take place (China). 19 athletes will represent France.
Of the 600 athletes with disabilities present in Beijing for the Paralympic Games from March 4 to 13, 19 athletes are part of the French delegation. This is particularly the case of paraskiers. “It’s very comparable to motorcycling: we lean and balance ourselves. I’ve had this chair for 10 years. [Il] consists of a shock absorber, a binding that looks like the bottom of a shoe that comes to fit in the ski, and two small sticks with skates at the end to be able to stabilize”explains Victor Peter who, unfortunately, is deprived of the Games due to injury.
Manoel Bourdenxsaid Baboomember of the French national team para-ski-alpine will defend the colors of France. A shark ripped off his leg in Hawaii in 2017. “Despite the difficulties, I manage to do more or less as before, even some things better. The stump gives me real foot sensations, so I ignore all that”he explains. Arnaud Bauchet21, also suffers from a rare spinal cord disease. Just like Mary Bochetthe most successful Frenchwoman of the Winter Olympics, who will compete for her fourth Paralympic Games.