The reunion of the cult trio inaugurated the first full-gauge Francos since 2019, on June 9 at Club Soda. Loud Lary Ajust (LLA) was also in charge of closing the loop on Saturday evening, driving the last big free concert of this 33e appointment.
Posted at 12:29 a.m.
“It’s gon’ be a rage fest, not a tea room, had warned the formation on Instagram. Bring all your crazy friends. We want to see you on some crazy shit. »
The list and the order of the songs bludgeoned on the main stage – poor eardrums – were more or less a copy-paste of the opening concert, paying and sold out this one: it was above all a question of giving thanks to gullywoodreleased a decade ago.

Photo Philippe Boivin, THE PRESS
The crowd of LLA fans gathered in front of the Bell Stage
On the big stage, the jubilee title was highlighted by nine giant white letters – in reference to a certain sign on Mount Lee – which separated the rapping duo and its rhythm designer, Ajust, erased in the heights.
On one side, Laurent Fortier-Brassard, alias Lary Kidd, in bum: white Nike headband, jeans jacket and pants dropped off mid-underpants. On the other, Simon Cliche Trudeau, alias Loud, as an athlete warming up: blue jogging, gray hoodie and red Canadian cap.
In the ring, the exchanges were full-bodied. The first ? Aggressive, imposing. The second ? Strategist, trickster. A duel and a duet, with the crowd as the third pugilist.
Almost all the titles of gullywoodpoisonous fire, went through the loudspeakers. Outremont, which opens the album, consequently opened the evening. “Four figures in the audience / The world is packed like sardines / There are no seats at night / It’s magic in the crowd. “Four digits? Rather “five”, which dispersed gently to the rue Sainte-Catherine.

Photo Philippe Boivin, THE PRESS
Magic ? Dozens of twinkling spotlights went on fire when the very Nietzschean Lary Kidd released the sharp verses of Candlewood Suits, written with nihilist blood. “God died of a Seroquel overdose, baby/In an American Apparel gown, baby/If I overdose tonight, at least I was dressed well. »
Call to “go crazy”
For groats, the Kidd asked the crowd to “turn crazy”. As is often the case – perhaps, except on CH match nights – the public’s “crazy turn” was proportional to its proximity to the action. This was true for the swell of the basins, but also for the enthusiasm to join the leitmotifs acclaimed by the fans. “One night only, ONO! »
The trap of snow crabscaught on Oh my God (2013) just like No Fucking Way and the title track of the EP, generated new turbulence.

The passage of LLA, dissolved in peace in 2016, allowed not only to see and hear a late cult group, but also to measure the progress of two rappers who stand out in solo. Archive images shown during the concert amplified this impression of the path travelled.
It was the feast of gullywoodbut his successor, BlueVolvo (2014), has not yet been put on the back burner. Even better, a real real blue Volvo appeared behind the MCs after Nothing is going anymore, who had already lifted a mass of arms into the air. “I walked towards the sound, blinded by the lights/Searched for the same song my whole damn life. » hold my drinka club song par excellence, reinforced the wave.
But the real tsunami came at the rappel, during XOXO. “You know the way of life/We chasing money screaming to get/Baby, it’s all real. »
Sweet revenge that this end of Francos for a disc which, in 2015, was shunned by the ADISQ because of its too strong concentration of Franglais.
Since the 33are Francos were dedicated to Karim Ouellet, the choice ofFall – collaboration with the late 37-year-old singer – as a swan song was obvious. At Loud and Lary’s request, thousands of amateur cameramen captured the scene.
“If ever one day I get out of it / I should have put on a fox mask / Pull the curtains and say good evening. »
LLA will no doubt be delighted to be left with these last words…