French is our trademark

It is unfair to accuse our French language of driving away companies. Donald Barabé, translator, provides relevant and competent testimony on this aberration of believing that Quebec does not deserve its French language and that it must behave like a country of negligible and insignificant importance.

Mr. Barabé is right, because it is obvious: “In Italy, Germany and Turkey, life takes place in Italian, German and Turkish. »

Indeed, we unfortunately have too often the opportunity to see how English can reign unilaterally among us and how the refusal to recognize the presence of our French language is too often anchored in the functioning of small, short-sighted “business”.

No country on the planet accepts that its linguistic integrity is violated.

We must keep our French-speaking life at all costs. French is our trademark. It is shameful to see this little world of employers singing to us the same song of humiliation and degradation and small bread, as if we had to sell ourselves to the highest bidder, like less than nothing.

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