Young engineers are increasingly avoiding industry to work in service and engineering companies. This recent phenomenon is highlighted in a study by the Engineers and Scientists of France association made public on Thursday.
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The annual survey carried out by the Engineers and Scientists of France association (IESF), published Thursday October 3, is very enlightening. It shows that over the last two years, the recruitment rate of young graduates from engineering schools by design offices has increased from 7 to 11%. At the same time, the number of young engineers entering industry, all sectors combined (automotive, metallurgy, energy), fell by two points from 38 to 36%. Heavy industry remains the main outlet, but clearly more in the minds of young people entering the job market.
In industry, the number of permanent contracts (CDI) offered to young recruits is falling while the number of fixed-term contracts (CDD) is increasing. Here again, the figures speak: between 2022 and 2024, the number of permanent hires in industry fell by 3% and that of fixed-term contracts increased by 5%. Second point, remuneration: the starting salary at the lowest level increased from 34,000 euros per year in 2022 to 29,000 in 2023, which means 5,000 euros were lost in two years.
As for feminization in the industry, it has not progressed. Women represent 30% of the 46,500 engineers graduated in France in 2023. We have remained at this level since 2011. There is reason to be concerned, because the number of young girls in preparatory classes for grandes écoles and engineering schools is inexorably declining .
Research firms recruit more than industry thanks to more permanent contracts, better salaries and a more important place given to women. For the reindustrialization of France, which our leaders are calling for, and which we need to meet the energy challenges of tomorrow (nuclear, renewables, networks, etc.), we are still very far from the goal and, above all, from the means that we give ourselves to achieve this.