French households will not be affected by any gas cuts, says Elisabeth Borne

“We are not going to cut the gas in French households. It is on our businesses, suddenly the big consumers, that there could be cuts”, declared the Prime Minister on the set of “Quotidien”, on the TMC channel, Tuesday evening.

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“The cuts do not concern the French.” Guest of the program “Quotidien” on TMC, Tuesday August 30, the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, affirmed that any gas cuts, in the event of a shortage of this source of energy, would not concern households but businesses, which are the biggest consumers of it.

“I say, they (the cuts) do not concern households, assured the head of government. We are not going to cut off the gas in French households. But it is on our companies, suddenly the big consumers, that there could be cuts. And obviously, that would have economic and social consequences,” she continued on the set of “Daily”. “I don’t think anyone wants that. Anything we can do to voluntarily reduce our consumption will save us from having to make cuts next winter.”

These cuts could occur “if all the wrong assumptions come together: if Russia cuts its supplies, if ever there is tension on LNG (liquefied natural gas) and that the orders we have placed are not honored, if there is a very cold winter”listed Elisabeth Borne.

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