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Having become undesirable in the eyes of the military junta now in power in Bamako, the last French soldiers have left Mali, after ten years of presence on several military bases. Operation Barkhane continues in neighboring countries.
There are no more French soldiers in Mali, Tuesday August 16th. The last ones have left the country in recent days, evacuating the base in Gao (Mali). Strong anti-French resentment had been mounting in Mali since the military junta came to power after several successive coups. The tricolor army had become persona non-grata and demonstrations hostile to its presence had broken out in Bamako to the chants of “Down with France”. But not all the inhabitants seem convinced that this departure will change anything. “People have understood nothing, whether France leaves or stays, it will not change anything, Mali must take charge of its responsibilities”testifies a Malian.
A decision of departure taken several months ago. The bases were closed gradually, until Gao, Monday August 15. A withdrawal that leaves the field open to armed groups according to some experts. “The jihadists have made enormous progress. Part of the country is no longer controlled by the central power and the Malian forces. The situation has deteriorated in recent months”, says Antoine Glaser, a journalist specializing in Africa. Operation Barkhane to fight terrorism is not over, however, French forces remain present in Niger, Chad and Burkina Faso.