French fishermen will block three ports on Friday

The day of action is being touted as “a wake-up call” to demand the swift granting of post-Brexit fishing licenses by the UK.

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The French National Fisheries Committee announced Thursday its intention to block several ports on Friday, November 26. This day of action is presented as “a warning shot” to demand the swift granting of post-Brexit fishing licenses by the UK.

French fishermen will block the arrival of ferries in Saint-Malo, Ouistreham and Calais. On land, they will also block the access of freight trucks to the Channel Tunnel freight terminal for “a few hours”, said Gérard Romiti, the president of the National Fisheries Committee at a press conference.

“We don’t want handouts, we just want our licenses back.”

Gérard Romiti, President of the National Fisheries Committee

in press conference

Since the post-Brexit agreement signed at the end of 2020, European fishermen can continue to work in British waters provided they can prove that they were fishing there before. But France is demanding more fishing licenses in London and the Channel Island of Jersey. In total, since January 1, 2021, she has obtained “more than 960 licenses” fishing, but Paris is still asking for more than 150 authorizations, according to the Ministry of the Sea.

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