French fishermen blocked several ports and the entrance to the Channel Tunnel


Article written by

T.Paga, O. Longueval, M.Beaudouin, M.Mouamma, P.Bouvier, Aerial images: Encelade production Pierre Claude Gaumerd – France 2

France Televisions

Tensions between France and the UK over fishing licenses do not seem to be easing. According to French fishermen, they are insufficient and they wanted to recall it by blocking the access of ferries to certain ports on Friday, November 26.

Cutting off links with England is the main objective of French fishermen. In Ouistreham (Calvados), a ferry with a capacity of 2,000 passengers and 120 trucks can no longer move, because six trawlers, hull against hull, prevent any maneuver. French fishermen want to obtain the 150 licenses which are still lacking.

The travelers, for the most part English, must take their troubles patiently. All day Friday, November 26, the fishermen wanted to show their anger in Normandy, Brittany but also at the entrance to the Channel Tunnel in Calais. Here passes a quarter of British trade with Europe. The European Commission has given the British until December 10 to settle the fishing license dispute.

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