French fishermen angry with the Minister of the Sea


France 2

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French vessels without a license will no longer be able to fish in British waters, but the fishermen will be compensated. They are angry.

For some Breton fishermen, the proposal of the Minister of the Sea Annick Girardin is a fiasco. They don’t want to stay at the dock, even in exchange for compensation. “She is talking to us about financial compensation, about the fleet exit plan. She is giving up the fight. There I am desperate, but we are not going to let go of the case”, says Pierre Vogel, patron-fisherman in Saint-Malo (Ille-et-Vilaine).

Nearly 220 licenses have been granted to French fishermen by the British. Paris is still claiming 150 in London. Professionals fear a massive plan to destroy boats. Negotiations between France and the United Kingdom continue, but the fishermen promise to take action, even if it means blocking British arrivals in France. The sector should be fixed on its fate in mid-December.

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