“French ecology” advocated by Emmanuel Macron is “moving forward while trying not to rush anyone”

Every Saturday, “Zero emissions” with François Gemenne, professor at HEC and member of the IPCC, specialist in climate and migration. This is the new meeting place to decipher climate issues on franceinfo. Saturday September 30, the expression of the President of the Republic: “a French-style ecology”.

When Emmanuel Macron presented his plan for the ecological transition on Monday September 25, he used a curious expression: “a French ecology”.

franceinfo: What is French-style ecology? Does that exist ?

François Gemenne : Evil tongues may say that it is the ecology of “at the same time”: on the one hand we announce a major plan for ecology, and on the other we validate the construction of the A69 motorway between Toulouse and Castres. This is not false, but we must also recognize that it is not specific to France: all countries, or almost all, do the same. China is opening coal-fired power plants by the shovel, while investing record amounts in solar power.

So that’s not French ecology?

No, you have to look for something else. One could imagine that France is seeking a middle path between the European approach, which is more oriented towards regulation, and the American approach, which is more oriented towards investment. In the plan presented by Emmanuel Macron, we cannot say that there are many limitations or prohibitions – except perhaps on coal-fired power stations. But we cannot say that it is a major investment plan either, even if we must recognize that we have put in some resources, and multi-year funding.

“We rather have the impression that he wants to proceed in small steps here.”

François Gemenne

at franceinfo

Particularly with subsidies, to encourage the replacement of individual equipment. For the rest, we will mainly proceed with proactive declarations: France, European champion of offshore wind power, RERs everywhere in the regions, which the regions will undoubtedly be responsible for financing themselves. We still feel the specter of the “Yellow Vests” hovering: we move forward but try not to rush anyone.

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And so that would be French ecology, with small touches, with incentives?

I am especially struck, in fact, that the most salient element of “French ecology” has not been mentioned in this plan: nuclear power, obviously. If there is one element that distinguishes France from other countries, it is the share of nuclear energy in its energy mix.

“37% of primary energy in France comes from nuclear power, far ahead of Sweden or Ukraine.”

Françoise Gemenne

at franceinfo

This is what allows France to have a very largely carbon-free electricity mix, much more than our neighbors. But this is also what often reduces the climate debate in France to a debate on energy.

Is energy still central to the climate issue?

Of course. But this sometimes leads France to rest on its laurels, and to imagine itself more virtuous than it is. Firstly because there are a huge number of sectors in which we must act, and we must recognize that the government’s transition plan affects several sectors, even if there are some major forgotten ones, such as agriculture, finance or the road – we will have the opportunity to come back to it. But the problem, above all, is that France tends to only want to do its part. And when we imagine ourselves virtuous, we readily imagine that our part is very small.

But is France still rather among the good students if we look at the figures?

It’s true that France is generally rather well placed in international rankings, especially compared to its neighbors. But the problem is that we rely on this to avoid doing more. However, the challenge is obviously not to be satisfied with its share, to only reduce its emissions on its territory, but to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, overall. And that’s where we wait for France!

“What leadership does France have at the international level, when it is the 6th economic power in the world?”

François Gemenne

at franceinfo

Which decarbonization policies have a truly global impact? What investments is France making in the countries of the South for their own energy transition? In my opinion, this is where we would truly expect a “French-style ecology”: an ecology which is universalist, and which is not content with reducing its emissions on its territory. Because the climate doesn’t care where emissions are produced.

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