“French diplomacy still passes for the fifth wheel of the carriage”, according to Adrien Quatennens

“French diplomacy still passes for the fifth wheel of the carriage”estimated Adrien Quatennens, deputy for the North and coordinator of La France Insoumise (LFI), this Wednesday on franceinfo, after the meeting between Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Poutine in Moscow, against the backdrop of the Ukrainian crisis. “The question of whether Emmanuel Macron has not been somehow duped, betrayed by our main allies, arises”he added.

“Emmanuel Macron goes to the Kremlin to play the intermediary in a way, to try, as is explained in many media, to play the de-escalation and when he does it, you have Olaf Scholz and Joe Biden who meet and who , they are in a logic of rising tensions by making statements like that of Joe Biden on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline “he said. “There will be no more” of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline if Russia invades Ukraine, the American president said on Monday, alongside the German chancellor.

“If it malfunctions, if we have this impression of a stunted diplomacy that is tripping over the carpet, it is because Emmanuel Macron is caught in a vice in contradictionsadvanced Adrien Quatennens. On the one hand, the declared desire to contribute to de-escalation, but on the other, the declarations on the European power that he wants to raise, aligned with NATO”.

“France must leave NATO to maintain a non-aligned position, because what is at stake there is the question of the eastward extension of NATO”, he assured. If Jean-Luc Mélenchon, LFI presidential candidate, was in power, his “Position would be to say quite simply: Russia must not invade Ukraine, but neither must the United States, in effect, ensure that NATO extends into Ukraine”.

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