French comedian Pierre Palmade in critical condition

The comedian, actor and director Pierre Palmade was very seriously injured early Friday evening during a road accident in Seine-et-Marne and his life prognosis is engaged, we learned from sources. close to the file, confirming information from the JDD.

The accident, involving three cars, occurred at 6:45 p.m. on a secondary road near the town of Villiers-en-Bière, and killed four other victims, including a pregnant woman, her brother and a 6-year-old child. . The vital prognosis of these three people is also engaged, said one of these sources.

The actor was in a first car, the other seriously injured in a second vehicle. An 80-year-old man was slightly injured in a third car.

Two of the three vehicles were impacted “very seriously”, according to the prefecture of Seine-et-Marne, specifying the assessment of “five injured including four serious”.

The victims “were evacuated” to hospitals, she added, referring to a collision with “strong kinetics”.

Father of a whole generation of comedians, Pierre Palmade, 54, is a figure of the one-man-show and private theater. He’s a familiar face on TV and has starred in a dozen films.

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