“French cinema lacks nothing to get ahead of American productions”, according to Fabrice Leclerc, cinema journalist at Paris Match


Video length: 7 min

Culture: “French cinema lacks nothing to get ahead of American productions”, according to Fabrice Leclerc, cinema journalist at Paris Match

Culture: “French cinema lacks nothing to get ahead of American productions”, according to Fabrice Leclerc, cinema journalist at Paris Match – (France Info)

Guest on the set of 12/13 info, Fabrice Leclerc, cinema journalist at Paris Match, takes stock of the increasing attendance at cinemas.

Attendance at French cinemas increased by 18.9%. “There is a real, obvious recovery in attendance. (…) We are still between 10 and 13% down compared to pre-Covid, but there is a return of spectators to the cinema”, explains Fabrice Leclerc, cinema journalist at Paris Match. According to him, “There are still a few ingredients missing to make it perfect” such as the return of seniors to cinemas and the programming of big-budget American films which have not “not been filmed during confinement” or delayed due to the Hollywood strike.

“French cinema is the European cinema that lives best”

Attendance was also impacted by the news surrounding Covid-19 and bedbugs. But French cinema is not left out. “There have been surprise successes in theaters, such as Anatomy of a Fall which had more than a million admissions, The Animal Kingdom which is a genre film which exceeds a million admissions, alongside great successes like Alibi, Asterix and The Three musketeers”recalls Fabrice Leclerc, who believes that French cinema “lacks nothing to get ahead of American productions (…) French cinema is the European cinema that has the best life. We have a system of aid that is sometimes criticized but is extremely important to be able to continue to produce arthouse films. “

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