French army kills 40 jihadists involved in Benin attacks that left nine dead

Among the nine deaths was a former French soldier.

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French soldiers from the anti-jihadist operation Barkhane killed 40 jihadists in Burkina Faso involved in the recent attacks in neighboring northern Benin which left 9 dead, including a former French soldier, the general staff announced on Saturday February 12. a statement.

After these three homemade bomb attacks which also injured 12 of the teams responsible for the security of the W natural park, the Barkhane force, “alert by its Beninese and Burkinabè partners”, “committed air intelligence capabilities to locate this armed group” responsible for the attacks before carrying out airstrikes on Thursday in which 40 jihadists were killed, details the press release.

Benin was until recently considered an island of stability in West Africa, a region where many jihadist groups linked to Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State organization operate. But a recent spate of border raids in countries south of the Sahel has confirmed fears that jihadist groups operating in Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso are seeking to advance towards the coast.

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