French and Spanish farmers prepare to unblock the border

French and Spanish farmers who are still blocking the two main cross-border crossing points on Tuesday, June 4, in particular to demand cheaper energy, should soon break camp, according to one of the organizers of the mobilization. Less than a week before the European election, up to eight crossing points between Spain and France were blocked on Monday, all along the Pyrenees, from Catalonia to the Basque Country. “They will leave, at the latest by 10 a.m., it will be over”told AFP Jérôme Bayle, a breeder from Haute-Garonne who became a figure in the agricultural protest movement at the beginning of the year. Follow our live stream.

Valérie Hayer visiting Le Havre with Edouard Philippe. The former Prime Minister received the head of the majority list on Monday to begin the final week of the European election campaign. The councilor was not in Aubervilliers on Saturday for the last “national meeting” of the campaign. Edouard Philippe was, as the newspaper noted Mariannein Madrid for the annual meeting of the Bilderberg group, the very discreet club of world leaders.

Three days before the election, Emmanuel Macron will be interviewed Thursday on TF1 and France 2. The Europeans are likely to invite themselves to this special edition organized from Caen, in the wake of the commemorations of the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings. Yet another casus belli for the oppositions, who have multiplied the referrals to Arcom, so that the media policeman counts the speaking time of the Head of State from that of Valérie Hayer.

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