The share of weekly consumers was 39% in 2021 while daily consumers were 8%.
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The French still drink a lot of alcohol, but less than before, according to the results of a study published Tuesday January 23 by Public Health France. Over the last decades, the French have reduced their daily and weekly alcohol consumption, which nevertheless remains “very high”summarizes this study which covers 2021 and is based on declarative data.
The share of weekly consumers was 39% in 2021 while daily consumers were 8%. These proportions mark a clear decline over the past twenty years: they stood at 62.6% and 21.5% respectively in 2000. The decline in daily consumption has continued in recent years and is also observed among men. (15.2% in 2017 and 12.6% in 2021) than among women (5.1% in 2017 and 3.8% in 2021).
Wine consumption is decreasing
Driven by the reduction in wine consumption, this trend is the result of cultural developments and the implementation of public policies, explains Public Health France. “On the other hand, the phenomenon of occasional significant alcohol consumption”defined by the consumption of at least six glasses of alcohol on a single occasion, has “well established in France”Raphaël Andler, co-author of the study, told AFP.
The frequency indicator of this excessive alcohol consumption did not change significantly between 2017 and 2021 among all adults. If it is rather decreasing among young men, it tends to increase among women over 35 years old.
The study also highlights regional disparities: in 2021, daily alcohol consumption was more frequent in New Aquitaine (especially among women) and in Occitanie. Conversely, it was rarer in Île-de-France and in the overseas departments and regions.