French airports file an appeal in Brussels to cancel the ban on domestic air links

For these professionals in the aviation sector, article 145 of the Climate Law is “legally unfounded”.

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French airports announced Tuesday, October 19 that they had filed an appeal with the European Commission to obtain the annulment of the ban on domestic air links when there is an alternative by train in less than 2:30, a provision provided for by the recent Climate Law French.

“We filed this complaint on September 17th”, jointly and severally with the European branch of the Airports Council International, the president of the French Airports Union (UAF), Thomas Juin, told AFP, confirming information from the newspaper The gallery. He considered that article 145 of the Climate Law, adopted in July in France, was “legally unfounded”.

This article provides for the prohibition of “regular public air transport services for passengers concerning all air links within French territory, the journey of which is also provided on the national rail network without a connection and by several daily connections lasting less than 2h30”.

The president of the UAF recalled that this article was based on a European text, article 20 of regulation n ° 1008/2008, providing for exceptions to the exercise of traffic rights. “in the event of serious damage to the environment”, but according to him for “local, temporary reasons” and not applicable to the subject of global warming.

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