Freight train derailment near Ukraine due to ‘explosive device’

A freight train in the Russian region of Bryansk, bordering Ukraine, derailed due to the detonation of an “explosive device” on the tracks for the second day in a row, without causing any casualties, said Tuesday the local governor.

“An unidentified explosive device was detonated near Snejetskaya station,” Bryansk region governor Alexander Bogomaz said the day after a similar derailment in the same area and on the heels of a series of incidents, while Kiev says it is preparing its counter-offensive.

“The incident led to the derailment of a locomotive and several train carriages,” he added, adding that there were no casualties.

The station is located two kilometers from the region’s main town, Bryansk.

On Monday, an explosion derailed a freight train, which partially caught fire, near the town of Ounetcha, closer to the Ukrainian border than Tuesday’s derailment.

State-owned Russian Railways, for its part, reported in a statement that a freight train derailed on Tuesday due to “the intervention of unauthorized persons in the work of rail transport”, without mentioning an explosive device. .

The company said the incident occurred at 7:47 p.m. local time (4:47 p.m. GMT) between Snejetskaya and the village of Belye Berega.

She said the locomotive and “about 20 cars” had derailed and that traffic on this section had been suspended.

Numerous sabotages on railways in Russia have been reported since Moscow launched its offensive against Ukraine in February 2022, but it is the first time this week that officials have confirmed attacks of this magnitude.

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