Freezing cold records outside Quebec

Like Quebec, many regions in the rest of Canada will experience polar cold this weekend, and large numbers of people are encouraged to stay indoors as much as possible.

• Read also: Freezing cold: stay in bed for “your personal rest and that of the electrical network”, suggests Hydro-Québec

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The city of Toronto, for example, could see a multi-year record broken. The arctic air mass caused the mercury to reach -19 C on Friday morning, with a wind chill of -30 C, according to Environment Canada.

As the Toronto Star reports, this is the coldest temperature the city has seen since 2019. It was down to -22.6 C on a January day that year.

The polar vortex in Greater Toronto this weekend prompted Environment Canada to issue an extreme temperature alert for the weekend.

Risks of frostbite are also to be expected in the Queen City.

Aside from Ontario and Quebec, the Maritimes will also be greatly affected by the cold snap this weekend.

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