(Mont-Tremblant) Justine Dufour-Lapointe obtained the best Canadian result for women with a ninth place on Friday at the Freestyle Skiing World Cup, presented in Mont-Tremblant. Her older sister, Chloe, concluded the competition in 14e position.
If Justine is practically assured of an Olympic qualification by virtue of her results last year, Chloe really needed this participation in the final.
“I am proud to have pushed: I want to enter the top-6 and it’s doing descents like that that I’m going to get there, said Chloe. It’s a big dose of confidence that I received today. […] Participation in the final greatly increases my chances for an Olympic qualification. ”

Chloé Dufour-Lapointe in action.
As for Justine, she feels that she is gradually regaining her cruising speed.
“I really think so. We had super “rough” months, physically and mentally. When I got here, I told myself that I didn’t want to give up, that I wanted to fight until the end. Even if it’s not perfect the way I want it to be, I don’t let go. I know it is inside of me this run-the. It’s a matter of timing.
“I still have a few details to work out to pull off a perfect cork and land in the boots. I’m confident I can do this (Saturday). ”
The Japanese Anri Kawamura (81.76), the French Perrine Laffont (81.43) and the American Tess Johnson (79.25) climbed in order on the three steps of the podium. Kawamura thus climbed to the top of the discipline’s standings with 309 points, 24 better than the Australian Jakara Anthony, fifth on Friday.
Canadians Berkley Brown, Maia Schwinghammer and Valérie Gilbert finished 18 respectivelye, 19e and 20e. Laurianne Desmarais-Gilbert was unable to complete her run during qualifying.