Freestyle Skiing World Cup | Chloé and Justine Dufour-Lapointe advance to the semi-finals

(Mont-Tremblant) Chloé and Justine Dufour-Lapointe qualified for the semi-finals of the first mogul stage at the Freestyle Skiing World Cup in Tremblant on Friday.

Chloé Dufour-Lapointe placed seventh with a score of 73.00. Justine followed in ninth place, with a score of 72.60.

Frenchwoman Perrine Lafont dominated qualifying with a score of 80.78. Kazakhe Yuliya Galysheva finished second (76.38) ahead of American Tess Johnson (76.01).

Only the 16 best skiers got their tickets for the semi-finals, presented from 2 p.m. Six skiers will then take part in the final.

Canadians Berkley Brown, Maia Schwinghammer and Valérie Gilbert finished 18 respectivelye, 19e and 20e.

Laurianne Desmarais-Gilbert was unable to complete her descent.

On the men’s side, Mikaël Kingsbury, Gabriel Dufresne, Laurent Dumais, Jordan Kober, Brenden Kelly, Ryan Portello, Alexandre Lavoie, Daniel Tanner and Olivier Lessard made up the Canadian contingent and they were to participate in qualifying a little later.

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