“Freedom convoy”: Pat King, one of the organizers of the demonstration in Ottawa, is arrested

OTTAWA – Pat King, one of the organizers of the federal capital headquarters, was arrested while driving a vehicle as he left town.

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• Read also: Who are the 3 organizers arrested in Ottawa?

The arrest took place live on Facebook as King broadcast.

While he was shouting threats and calling on his troops to resist earlier this morning, he had changed his speech in the last hour, inviting them instead to leave Ottawa.

Like King, another organizer still free, Benjamin Ditcher, calls on those who still can to flee.

Two other organizers of the convoy, Tamara Lich and Chris Barber were arrested last night.

Ex-soldiers facing the police

But several others are still at large, in particular ex-agents and soldiers: Daniel Bulford, head of convoy security, Tom Quiggin, head of intelligence, and Tom Marazzo, police liaison officer.

Ex-servicemen who refused to be vaccinated against COVID-19 are currently in the crowd surrounded by the police.

“That man with a green hood, he’s a suspended soldier because he didn’t take the vaccine. There are other soldiers in the group,” said an agent on the ground.

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