“Freedom Convoy” in Ottawa | Tamara Lich asks again to be released

(OTTAWA) ‘Freedom convoy’ organizer Tamara Lich is once again asking to be released from jail after a justice of the peace denied her bail earlier this month.

Posted at 1:05 p.m.

Laura Osman
The Canadian Press

Tamara Lich has been ordered to remain in jail awaiting trial for her role in the protest that paralyzed downtown Ottawa in February, after the court ruled she had breached her bail conditions. bail.

She had been ordered not to communicate with the main organizers of the convoy, except through a lawyer or in the presence of a lawyer, but had been arrested again after having been in contact with another leader of the protest, Tom Marazzo, at an awards gala in Toronto last month.

In court on Monday, his lawyer Lawrence Greenspon claimed the two organizers merely shook hands and posed together for a photo at the gala.

He said Tamara Lich had now spent 48 days in jail awaiting non-violent charges.

Tamara Lich faces charges of mischief, obstructing police, counseling others to commit mischief and intimidation for her role in the mass protest against COVID-19 restrictions and the Liberal government in general.

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