Freedom Convoy 2023 is going instead… to Winnipeg

The next “Freedom Convoy” will not be destined for Ottawa, but rather…. Winnipeg, Manitoba, February 17-21 The organizing group made the announcement even before informing the police department.

“The ‘World Unity Convoy’ will be in Winnipeg, Manitoba. This is our announcement today, this is our gift to you,” an organizer nicknamed Big Bear, alongside James Bauder, announced in a Facebook Live video on Christmas Day.

The founder of the Canada Unity group also changes the name of the event to include a supposedly international component. “We’re also going to have the ‘World Convoy’ aspect to all of this. How many nations will convoy simultaneously? “, launched Mr. Bauder with enthusiasm, without giving much explanation on the choice of Winnipeg as final destination of the new convoy.

Initially, the project was presented as the organization of a new motorized convoy to Ottawa. In January and February 2022, the first version of the “Freedom Convoy” brought together opponents of health measures against COVID-19. The protest disrupted the federal capital for three weeks last winter and prompted the first-ever invocation of the federal Emergency Measures Act.

Ottawa invited, Quebecers dissatisfied

James Bauder appeared before the public inquiry into the events this fall. He explained to Judge Paul Rouleau his religious motivations behind the organization of a convoy, before being overwhelmed with emotion as he recalled the scenes of “unity” he saw in the streets of Ottawa during the first convoy.

He also said a few words to Ottawa residents in his December 25 message. “We will go through Ottawa with our convoy. We will honk [honkhonk] and we’re going to invite residents of Ottawa, for the first time, to join a convoy! It will be so much fun, it will be beautiful, ”promised James Bauder.

The duty reported last week that groups of Quebec Freedom Convoy sympathizers revealed these changes to Canada Unity’s plans. Shocked, they promised to organize their own convoy, somewhere in Quebec, the details of which have yet to be determined. No Quebec organizer responded to messages from Homework.

Many Internet users shared Mr. Bauder’s intentions to abandon Ottawa as his final destination. He categorically refused to confirm the information. He then threatened The duty of legal proceedings under the pretext that “100% of what is written [sur lui] is defamatory”.

The police are not notified

On Thursday, the Winnipeg police had not been made aware that their city was the lucky one to host the next edition of the anti-government movement.

“No one representing ‘Freedom Convoy 2.0’ or ‘Canada Unity’ has contacted the Winnipeg Police Service regarding a protest or convoy scheduled for February 2023,” confirmed Constable Claude Chancy. Winnipeg Police Public Information Briefing on the eve of the holiday break.

On the Ottawa side, the new police chief gave an idea of ​​the reception given to a return of trucks to the federal capital last week. “Vehicle-oriented protests will be banned from downtown and places of national significance,” reads the statement from the Ottawa Police Service.

Additionally, Ontario passed Bill 100 last April, which provides various restrictions on protests to “keep Ontario open for business.” This new law seems to have cooled the ardor of some protesters, according to numerous comments on social networks.

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