“Free violence”, “Intolerable”, “amazing cowardice”, the political reactions are numerous

From La France insoumise to the National Rally, elected officials condemn the aggression of the great-nephew of Brigitte Macron, Monday evening in Amiens. Jean-Baptiste Trogneux was beaten up by a group of demonstrators.

Several politicians react Tuesday, May 16 after the aggression Monday evening in Amiens, of Jean-Baptiste Trogneux, the great-nephew of Brigitte Macron. According to information from France Bleu Picardie, the man was knocked to the ground by several people in front of his well-known chocolate factory in Amiens. Eight people were arrested and taken into custody.

Nupes elected officials bring “their support” to the victim

“You don’t defend democracy by attacking a chocolate maker”, reacts François Ruffin (La France Insoumise). In a press release, the deputy of the first constituency of the Somme, denounces “serious and inadmissible facts” And “give all its support to the victim”.

“I had met the Trogneux family during the ‘yellow vests’ movement, in order to assure them that the hostility against their shop made no sense”, continues the elected official, while the Trogneux chocolate factory has already been targeted several times since the election of Emmanuel Macron in 2017. “I also regularly buy their macaroons, as a wink, when I offer gifts to my political guests”, says François Ruffin.

On Twitter, the socialist senator of the Somme Rémi Cardon, expresses his “support for the Trogneux family, and in particular for Jean-Baptiste”. He adds in his message that “our political differences must never lead to physical violence”.

Members of the majority denounce “gratuitous violence” and an “unbearable escalation of violence”

“My first reaction is obviously to give him all my support and to wish him a good recovery”, confides to France Bleu Picardie Barbara Pompili, a related Renaissance MP for the constituency. “I think everyone needs to ask themselves the question of what is happening in our country on the functioning of democracy. Violence has never been a means of keeping democracy alive, a a fortiori violence against people who have absolutely nothing to do with history”, deplores the chosen one.

She recalls that “we are talking about someone who makes chocolate, who has never been integrated into the political debate, who has never wanted to get involved in politics and who quite simply is from the same family as a member of the family of the President of the Republic. And even so, in the name of what should we accept violence instead of democratic debate?

Renaud Muselier also supports “and his friendship with Jean-Baptiste Trogneux, Brigitte Macron and their family”. In a message posted on his Twitter account, the president of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (Renaissance) region denounces “astonishing cowardice of these aggressors, eight against one, with gratuitous violence as a result”.

In a press release, the Renaissance party of the Somme expresses “its amazement in the face of this unbearable escalation of violence and expresses its full and complete support for the Trogneux family. Disagreements and oppositions are constitutive of democracy when they are expressed with respect for others”.

Brigitte Macron also spoke after the attack on her great-nephew. In a statement sent to AFP at the start of the afternoon, the First Lady denounces “cowardice, stupidity and violence” aggressors. I have repeatedly denounced this violence which can only lead to the worst,” adds the wife of the President of the Republic. She specifies that she is “constant report” with his grand-nephew Jean-Baptiste Trogneux, and his nephew (and father of the victim) Jean-Alexandre Trogneux.

The Republicans party condemns this aggression through the voice of its president

“Unbearable Aggression”wrote on Twitter Éric Ciotti, president of the Les Républicains party. “Yes to democratic debate, no to violence and terror. The sanction must be relentless for these aggressors. All my support for Jean-Baptiste Trogneux”, adds the deputy.

“Intolerable!” Reacts an RN MP

“This unbearable violence must be condemned by the courts with exemplary firmness”, calls Laure Lavalette, deputy National Rally of Var. “No fight will ever justify such savagery. Support for Jean-Baptiste Trogneux and his family”, adds the chosen one on Twitter.

The mayor of Amiens spoke with the victim and his father

Guest of franceinfo on Tuesday evening, the mayor of Amiens Brigitte Fouré said to herself “totally shocked by this incredible brutality”. The aedile specifies having “exchanged by text message with him and his father” to support them. She says that Jean-Baptiste Trogneux “is injured, shocked but he told me he will recover”. Brigitte Fouré is pleased that the city’s CCTV cameras have made it possible to “spot the aggressors” and stop them. “We may not agree”, continues the mayor, “we have the right to express ourselves, to demonstrate but in no case to use violence.”

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