free self-tests for the holiday season? Olivier Véran answers!

With the end of the year holidays approaching, the government has set itself the goal of “save Christmas” by announcing upstream new health measures such as the closing of nightclubs, the return of masks in the playground, or even the third dose vaccination … But while the French are preparing to wake up together, the arrival of the Omicron variant raises fears of an outbreak of the epidemic.

No self-test reimbursement

Many families have therefore decided to be tested before the meetings. Unfortunately, the self-test boxes purchased in December will be at the expense of the tested. The Federation of Pharmaceutical Unions of France (FSPF) indicated on Friday that 2 units per person could be reimbursed between December 20 and January 2. It will not be.

According to Olivier Véran, who explained himself on December 18 on France Inter: “There will be no free self-tests distributed in pharmacies. The self-test costs 5.20 euros”. Regarding self-tests, the Minister of Health has also considered that they are not immunity totems “. And for good reason, he said “The self-test is less reliable than the antigen test and less reliable than the PCR test, which is why it did not find its audience in France”.

Favor le PCR

Another solution will therefore have to be favored, assures Olivier Véran: “PCRs and antigen tests are free [pour les personnes vaccinées, ndlr], we make nearly a million a day, all costs have been supported from the start by national solidarity “. To be reimbursed, only one condition: to be vaccinated. On this, Olivier Véran is categorical: “It’s simple, it’s clear, it’s crystal clear, it’s assumed, we want the French to be vaccinated“.

>> To see also: “I will not manage to get out of it”: Patrice Laffont reveals the amount of his “very small pension” … and you will be SHOCKED!


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