There will ultimately be no free medical consultations for all French people aged 45 to 50 from October 1, as promised by the government. For the moment, an experiment has been launched in Hauts-de-France.
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Free preventive medical consultations, which had been promised by the government for all French people aged 45 to 50 from October 1, will finally begin with an experiment limited to a single region, Hauts-de-France, we have learned. franceinfo Tuesday with the Ministry of Health. This experiment will begin “in October”.
Consultations planned at three key ages
“This will make it possible to adjust the system for a generalization which will now take place from January 1”, specifies the ministry. These free prevention consultations were announced in September 2022 by the previous Minister of Health, François Braun. They must be gradually implemented at three key ages of life: between 18 and 25 years, between 45 and 50 years and between 60 and 65 years. Those aged 45-50 were to be the first to benefit.
François Braun wanted to make prevention a pillar of health policy. The system must take stock of their physical and mental health and put in place appropriate care if necessary. At 25, consultations should focus on vaccines, physical activity, possible addictions or difficulties linked to the start of professional life.
From the age of 45, an assessment of physical activity and possible mental health disorders will be carried out as well as screenings for cardiovascular diseases, breast, colon or prostate cancer. Finally, at age 65, the consultations will aim to prevent loss of autonomy, screen for cancer and all diseases that can be prevented. A psychological dimension linked to retirement is also planned.