“Free electrons from Quebec”, Population II

These devils have done it again! Three years after a first album (To the O Earth) launched in the United States on the Osees leader’s Castle Face Records label, the Saint-Eustache trio (Pierre-Luc Gratton, vocals and drums, Tristan Lacombe, keyboards and guitars, Sébastien Provençal, bass) returns more impetuous and unleashed again with nine new compositions of scholarly rock with texts imbued with the truculence of the expressions of our language, with titles like It’s at the end, Tô Kébec, Rapaille Or Why don’t we sleep. To this last question, we would like to answer that it is because there is too much caffeine in the sound of the group, a dangerous alloy of progressive rock, psychedelic funk and metal sometimes reminiscent of Black Sabbath, sometimes King Crimson , sometimes The Sinners. The personality of Population II is admirably singular, as if this type of rock could only exist here; that it is performed brilliantly by these young musicians makes us even more proud to be Quebecers than the dream of a battery factory.

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Free electrons from Quebec



Population II, Bonsound

To watch on video

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