free doctor’s appointments at 25, 45 and 65


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Health Minister François Braun has announced the introduction of free doctor’s appointments at the ages of 25, 45 and 65. Explanations.

The French will very soon be able to benefit from a free doctor’s appointment at 25, 45 and 65 years old. The Minister of Health, François Braun, announced that the health insurance would invite the French who can benefit from these consultations. Weren’t these ages chosen at random? They correspond to the dates of the booster shots for diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis and pertussis vaccines for people aged 25 years. It is also at this age that screening for cervical cancer begins, for women, and that the fight against addictions must take place.

At 45, you can also fight against addictions, but not only. Prevention against risk factors becomes important. It is also necessary to fight against a sedentary lifestyle at this age. At 65, it will be a question of intensifying cancer screening, ensuring that you maintain a healthy diet and continue to practice physical activity.

– Public Health France


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