Frédéric’s daily life in Jerusalem, correspondent for Radio France

Before leaving for Jerusalem, Frédéric, a former Ile-de-France resident, lived in Argenteuil, then in Colombes and Paris in the Bastille district. He likes the districts of Pigalle, the 9th between the stations, the 11th between Bastille and République. He loves the Seine in the Parisian suburbs.

His departure for Jerusalem was done quickly and it is there now for almost 3 years. He is very happy there, in particular thanks to the rich news, his cultures, his sharing and the encounters he makes there.

Israelis have a notion of politeness totally different from ours. You shouldn’t be offended. If you are not held the door in a business, if you are not told “thank you” or “please”, it is normal. On the other hand, if you break down on the road, we will help you spontaneously and systematically. The Israelis are, for our guest, very cash with a whole character. The integration is not difficult at all, provided you understand the codes. Life is very expensivebecause it is a very small country where many products are imported and therefore taxed.

Mamilla Avenue, one of the busiest streets in Jerusalem ©Getty

Frederic lives in the western part of Jerusalem, very green area, lots of trees and stray cats. The area is rather residential. He lives in a house built… on the roof of a building!

What to do when visiting Jerusalem? Well, you have to go and see the old city of jerusalem, built by the Crusaders. But also thehe tomb of Jesus or the Wailing Wall before venturing a little further into the city away from the tourist trails. The city is very safe, no pickpockets or muggings. city ​​of hills, you have to climb on one of them to observe the exceptional panorama. You have to go to the markets, very lively, very colorful, where people talk loudly.

The Wailing Wall
The Wailing Wall ©Getty

Unmissable and really delicious: the falafels and the hummus. The cuisine is very mixed and delicious. There is an excellent French bakery near his place of work, but the croissant is almost 5 euros. Everything French is associated with luxury.

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