Frédérick (Married at first sight) separated from his disabled daughter: “I would give my life to hear his voice”

Viewers discovered Frederick on March 28 in Married at first sight 2022 (M6). And what immediately appealed to the public was his smile and his joie de vivre. The 40-year-old real estate agent does not always have an easy life. A subject on which he confided in an interview.

Frederick has a daughter who has had West Syndrome since birth. She therefore has epileptic seizures on a daily basis, does not speak and does not walk.which required that she live in a specialized institute far from him. Asked by Entertainment TV on his daughter Ambre (14 years old), the father of the family made touching confidences.

Frédérick first explained that his disease was “due to lack of oxygen at the time of delivery If at the beginning, his daughter was close to him, she ended up leaving for Switzerland, because her mother moved there. The charming Métis lives in Hyères (in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur) and the distance weighs heavily on him. “For Amber’s sake, we make sure things run smoothly. Even if it is complicated with the distance. (…) Today, it’s complicated for me not to see her as much as before. Before, I saw her three times a week. I spent the afternoon with her, tucked her in, put her to bed, fed her, showered her… Overnight there’s no more daddy“, did he declare.

The father of the family does not allow himself to be defeated, however. Regularly, he organizes visios to talk to him. And he goes to see Amber every month. It was during one of his stays in Switzerland that he told her that he was going to get married. And his daughter’s reaction filled him with joy: “From her facial expressions, she was happy. She held my hand, gave me small cries. I felt that she was happy for me. I explained to him in outline what dad was going to do, that I was going to marry a woman that I would introduce to him one day but that she would remain my first love and that I would always be by her side. I was happy with his reaction.

Frédérick dreams of being a dad again

Thanks to the M6 ​​broadcast, Frédérick hopes to meet the woman of his life. And as he explained on the show, he would like to have another child. But the road to being ready was long: “After having my daughter, I was afraid of having another child and falling back into the same pattern. It would have been insurmountable to have a second sick child. And even with a ‘normal’ child, I was afraid of abandoning Ambre and at the same time of being angry with myself for not giving so much to this baby. It took me a while to unlock about having a second child“It was three years ago that he had the click. He dreams of hearing “dad” in the mouth of his child, running with him or seeing him do stupid things. “Just to hear ‘dad’ in the mouth of his child, it’s something I’ve never known. Amber tells me with her gestures and her eyes, but I would give my life to hear her voice“, he concluded. Perhaps he will realize this dream with Emilie, who is compatible with him at 84%. But for now, we do not yet know if the two candidates have married.

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