Frederic Pierrot: The actor of In Therapy is a grandfather!

A new baby to expand his family! Usually very discreet about his private life, actor Frédéric Pierrot has just announced that he was a grandfather “for four days“. Always modest, he does not give any other information in this interview for the magazine Marie Claire. From his family life, we only know that he is married to an actress and that his children are grown up and work in culture.

However, he did not fail to describe how this great happiness will change the way he had to consider his roles. Accustomed to rather grumpy characters, the actor wants something else, joyful, luminous: “Laugh, I don’t know. Times are not fun. But I’ve been a grandfather for four days, I want to enjoy it!“However, it must be said that it is not his character of Dayan in In Therapy which will change his reputation as a somewhat closed, sometimes sad man.

A character that we find for a second season and who sometimes sticks to his skin: “Many [de psys, ndlr] appeal to me as if we were doing the same job. It’s getting embarrassing, I’m not a shrink, I’m going to set limits.“His own therapist had told him that he was finding his role”good for psychoanalysis“at the time of the first season.

The actor who refused the role of Edouard Baer in the series of Eric Toledano and Olivier Nakache assumes his dark sides and in particular his small gourmet pleasures like having a drink regularly. But beware, “not so far as to roll under the table“.”Wine allows you to see things differently, to change your point of view, like psychoanalysis. It’s not always happy“, he explains. Drugs, on the other hand, he does not touch: in the same interview with Marie Clairehe even explains that he does not understand the enthusiasm of certain people.

I find it stupid. Why spend a fortune on this shit?“, he says. A good life lesson to pass on to his grandson or granddaughter who has just been born and who will surely learn a lot from his famous grandfather. In any case, you can find In Therapy on Arte, with Charlotte Gainsbourg, Eye Haïdara and Suzanne Lindon in particular.

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